Let’s be honest, the god of the bible has so far used archaic methods of communication; stone tablets, prophets, angels, bellowing from the sky, and Chinese whispers. We even get messages from him via Tammy on JW.net
If emails were as hit and miss as communication with this god we would all go back to sending letters. Fortunately emails can be sent in the blink of an eye. They arrive uncorrupted and pristine with no misunderstanding or ambiguity. They can be sent to individuals or 250,000 people at the same time, if required. A reply can be made with the same accuracy. Not bad for a system invented by imperfect humans. Then we have the fantastic telephone; landline or mobile, take your pick.
Why doesn’t this god just admit that he has made a complete hash of communicating with humans? He should get up to speed and use some of the modern communication methods that humans do. For Christ’s sake, club together and buy this god an Apple tablet.